Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromylagia, cancer & more.

This blog is about the on-going challenge I'm having to finish the book about CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/UK) and several secondary diseases which can present as a result, i.e., fibromyalgia, depression, IBD, cancer (especially colon cancer), schizophrenia and Parkinson's, etc.
If you have followed the recent news that an American lab determined that the retrovirus, XMRV, was found in over 90% of people with CFS, although British and German labs have not been able to find this virus in CFS patients' blood, then you might assume that a cure is in sight. Vaccination is being talked about; the use of AZT (the same drug as HIV/AIDS patients take) is also being talked about, even though AZT can make a person who does not have AIDS very sick indeed. I tried to post my scepticism about the XMRV virus several times on the recent New York Times blog about the virus and CFS: I just mentioned that it is a well-known fact amongst CFS researchers that people with CFS are extremely prone to having antibodies to whatever virus is prevalent without actually ever coming down with a viral disease, and my comments got posted only once and were then quickly removed within a few days. So I doubt my that stating the non-viral cause is going to go down well either.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Activia yoghourt is dangerous

Activia yogourt was originally like any other yogourt - made of milk, a thickening agent, fruit, and some "good" intestinal bacteria, but it advertised itself as "regulating your digestive system" and the probiotic bacteria did not do enough of a good job. So some very clever company person remembered that carrageenan (from seaweed) damps down bacterial and fungal growth. Initially, everything works well, but over a long period of time - several years - this carrageenan finds its way into intestinal cells where it causes damage: lysosomes that ingest food particles and carrageenan cannot break carrageenan down. But they release their digestive enzymes causing ulceration.
The people who eat Activia are going to be in for a rough surprise when this happens - especially as Activia seemed to work so well for them earlier on. So these people will eat more and more Activia and more and more carrageenan thus damaging themselves even further.
The Activia ads are manipulative: "Activia makes you feel good inside... will regulate your digestive system - until several years down the line when you will start to feel very, very bad indeed.

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