Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromylagia, cancer & more.

This blog is about the on-going challenge I'm having to finish the book about CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/UK) and several secondary diseases which can present as a result, i.e., fibromyalgia, depression, IBD, cancer (especially colon cancer), schizophrenia and Parkinson's, etc.
If you have followed the recent news that an American lab determined that the retrovirus, XMRV, was found in over 90% of people with CFS, although British and German labs have not been able to find this virus in CFS patients' blood, then you might assume that a cure is in sight. Vaccination is being talked about; the use of AZT (the same drug as HIV/AIDS patients take) is also being talked about, even though AZT can make a person who does not have AIDS very sick indeed. I tried to post my scepticism about the XMRV virus several times on the recent New York Times blog about the virus and CFS: I just mentioned that it is a well-known fact amongst CFS researchers that people with CFS are extremely prone to having antibodies to whatever virus is prevalent without actually ever coming down with a viral disease, and my comments got posted only once and were then quickly removed within a few days. So I doubt my that stating the non-viral cause is going to go down well either.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just got 2 new friends

After almost 6 mnths, I am back writing my blog. Will not leave it so long now as am officially retired. Now can concentrate on this blog and finishing my book on this disease. And have a grand total of 2 people who have paid attention to me!
My latest comment is about the UK's new focus on CFS (ME in Britain) which seems to consist of making patients exercise more - CEB's? - essentially telling them it's all in their head. 1 or 2 patients forced to exercise beyond their capability developed further severe problems: a teenager had heart damage and another ended up in a wheelchair.
Now while exercise is fundamentally important - I try to walk each day or at least every other day (and go swimming sometimes) for at least 20 minutes, then it's on my terms and I do not push myself beyond what I am capable of. To do otherwise is tantamount to torure.

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